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Ceciderunt Moenia

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Got an e-mail from Greenpeace today :)

GGN-GoodGlobalNews Posted on Wed, April 09, 2014 15:51:22

(E-mail translated in English below the Swedish information)

Hej Lisa

Vi gjorde det! Head & Shoulders ägare Procter & Gamble har gått med på att sluta skövla regnskog för palmolja!

400 000 personer har mejlat Procter & Gamble och tusentals
människor har stöttat kampanjen på gator, i butiker och på sociala
medier. P&G har äntligen lyssnat och antagit en policy som innebär
nolltolerans för skogsskövling i sin leverantörskedja – det kan man
kalla “people power”!

Igår kväll publicerade P&G på sin hemsida: “P&G’s new goals call for ensuring no deforestation in its entire palm oil supply chain.

är fantastiska nyheter. Nu är det upp till oss alla att se till så
P&G håller sitt löfte och driver på andra företag att föja i deras
fotspår. Vi har kommit så här långt tack vare alla er som har skrivit
till P&G eller på annat sätt agerat för att skydda de sista
regnskogarna i Indonesien.


Vi är
flera miljoner människor över hela världen som kräver att företag som
P&G tar ansvar för sina handlingar. Några av oss är experter på att
undersöka leverantörskedjor och granska dokument för att avslöja det som
företag försöker dölja. Men framförallt så är vi alla engagerade
människor som är villiga att ta ställning och agera för att skydda vår
vackra planet.

Tillsammans kan vi åstadkomma otroliga saker.

Tack för allt ditt stöd!

Erika Bjureby

Skogsansvarig, Greenpeace

PS. Fortsätt gärna stötta vårt arbete med att skydda världens regnskogar genom att ge en gåva eller bli månadsgivare

Translation in English:

Hi Lisa

We made it ! Head & Shoulders owner Procter & Gamble has agreed to stop devastating the rainforest for palm oil!

400 000 people have emailed Procter & Gamble and thousands of
people have supported the campaign on the streets , in shops and on
social media. P & G has finally listened and adopted a policy of zero tolerance
for deforestation in their supply chain – it can be called “people
power” !

Last night the published P & G on its website: “P & G ‘s new
goals call for Ensuring no deforestation in its entire palm oil supply
chain . “

This is fantastic news . Now it’s up to us all to ensure that P & G keeps his promise and runs on other companies for following in their footsteps. We’ve come this far thanks to all of you who have written to P & G
, or otherwise acted to protect the last remaining rainforests in

We are millions of people across the globe that require companies like P & G takes responsibility for his actions. Some of us are experts in to examine supply chains and review documents to reveal what companies try to hide. But above all , we are all committed people who are willing to take a stand and take action to protect our beautiful planet .

Environmental catastrophes

Djur, Natur, Människor Posted on Tue, April 08, 2014 13:19:31

They talk about earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano outbursts, tectonic movements, sky falls, flooding as natural disasters but in my opinion the humans are the by far largest and most dangerous natural disaster the planet Earth has ever experienced during its 4,54 billion years of roaming the space.

The humans, no matter where on the earth they live, really have to pull them selves together and realise that their greed for land, money, items, personal winning is what is the true cause of the Earths current state of being.

With that said I must give credits and love to all those who has already realised what is happening and are working towards a more peaceful coexistance between all the different types of lives on the planet.

The so called “modern” human must begin to turn their eyes towards our planets natives and learn from them. Those who still live in harmony with their environment and have all they need, not always necessarily all they want but all they need when it comes to clothing, food, housing and peace.

We, the modern human, need to begin to understand our needs and not confuse them with our wants. What we want is most often so far from what we need.

Who should pay?

LiSka Posted on Sun, March 23, 2014 12:41:27

Who should pay for the costs of wars?

I believe in Now

Musik Posted on Thu, February 27, 2014 16:49:04

Click on the picture to open up the link that will bring you to the most beautiful lyrics about believing in the now smiley

Link will open in new window.

The power of Now – Olivia Newton John

Make it possible

Djur, Natur, Människor Posted on Thu, February 27, 2014 10:51:02

I’m back and full of new energy.
Perhaps it’s just the feel of the oncoming spring or the fact that I’ve got a very good and dear friend coming visiting by the end of march…or perhaps both 🙂 but I am full of vitality and lust to share this seemingly endless line of thoughts and insights that, without hesitation, runs through my brain and mind.

I have seen that readers and visitors at Ceciderunt Moenia comes from all over the world, from close and a far, from countries that triggers my imagination, makes me fantasize and dream and makes me want to visit and explore and get to know closer.
To have visitors and readers from all those wonderful distant corners of this planet is truly exiting and it makes me so happy. Thank you for that 🙂 <3

So therefore in regard of and to honour all of you I have decided to from now on write in English to make it easier for non-swedish speaking visitors to understand what I’m talking about.

Google translator, which I assume many uses, is a wonderful tool but oh dear gods the translations leaves a lot to wish for when it doesn’t take in consideration the different sentencing we have in our different languages and therefore some translations seem pretty much like pure non sense.

As English is not my native language I will right now on forehand apologize for possible bad sentence building, weird grammar, wrong spelling and so on so forth. Though, I do believe my English is better that the computerized translators.

So, with that said I start on a new today, my “vacation” is over.
I start on new but with the same topics though, about animals rights, humans right, the earth’s rights, politics…mainly the Swedish but I have no problem airing my views on foreign politics when I find it fit. The politicians sometimes seem to believe the people exist for them and not the other way around, they actually do work for the people.

I start my “back from vacation” rant with a small video, just 11 minutes long about animals right and how we all can Make It Possible if we work together global wise towards a more humane treatment of our dear animals.
I wonder what we would do if the animals treated us exactly the same way as we treat them. Both the ones still living in their shrinking wild habitats but even so more our animals living their short lives in factory farms just to end up as food.

Food of which a lot is thrown away due to several reasons, overproducing, meat goes bad, people order more than they can eat..f.ex in restaurants, people buy more than they can consume. The global waste of animal meat is horrific and without proportions, especially if we at the same time think of that 2/3’s of the earth’s population is living on or under the edge of extreme poverty and actual starvation.

My own contribution against this cruelty towards all those billion of animals who give their lives to keep the growing humanity fed is to….
…not eat anything two or four legged. And, to reassure myself that the fish I eat is fished with responsibility and isn’t red listed.
I do eat eggs, and on occasion I use dairy products… both the eggs and dairy I buy are organic. I also buy organic fruits and veggies when available.

When possible I chose Fair Trade produced products over the cheaper ones.

Cheap products that are being mass produced without any consideration for the workers, the animals, the earth and the environment and with one goal only, fast profit, are extremely expensive for the earth, the workers and everyone and everything living on this planet.

We can all educate ourselves to be able to make intelligent choices. There are no or few excuses to not be a responsible and considerate human being.

Making kind choices makes a happier and safer world for everyone!

Enjoy the video, it’s made by Animals Australia.

Click on the picture to open up Make It Possible a wonderful little film and song about FactoryFarmed Animals. If we all do it together we can make changes possible! It opens in a new window.

And…..Remember this – You are never alone –

If you believe you’re alone in your struggle for human and animal rights and you believe that what you do doesn’t matter and you think you’re too small and what you do wont show…First let me tell you…you are not alone, far from, so what you do is visible in the large. Without you the large would be so much smaller.

And secondly, if you think you’re too small and too insignificant and what you do wont make a difference you have never had a mosquito in your room a hot summers night 🙂

With all my love and consideration for all of you, no legged and two, four, six and eight legged crawling, walking, flying and swimming, large and small…. lives

It is possible to leave a comment, so please feel free to do so if feeling for it <3

Kreativ paus

LisaEir-Reflexioner Posted on Thu, February 13, 2014 10:44:55

Är inte försvunnen, har inte fått hjärnstillestånd och har inte glömt CM men har däremot lagt lite kreativ energi på hemmets förbättring och haft lite annat att göra som tillhör livet utanför cyberrymden.

Det händer så mycket just nu i världen, både här hemma och långt bort därute, hade kunnat skriva hur mycket som helst om hur många ämnen som helst. Tankarna far som små kometer med elektriskt laddade svansar proppfulla med information.
Härligt, systemet fungerar 🙂

Det är lustigt egentligen… har man ett iq lägre än genomsnittspersonerna så anses man lite udda och har man ett iq högre än “normal”snittet så anses man också som lite udda, t.o.m mer kanhända för då fattar folk ännu mindre vad man pratar om och hur man tänker. Det vet jag för jag ligger en bra bit “off” “normal”skalan. Talar inte om åt vilket håll, det lämnar jag åt “betraktaren”. Kan nog bli lite på ena eller andra hållet beroende på hur man känner mig….hehe 😉

Nog om det 🙂 tar som sagt paus från CM och resten cybervärlden.

Kaisers Orchestra

Musik Posted on Wed, January 29, 2014 13:40:05

Norwegian band Kaisers Orchestra playing their song Begravelsepolka (funeral polka)

Love this song, it’s weird and so good even though I do not understand a word of it

Link will open in new window when you click on the picture.

Kaisers Orchestra – Begravelsepolka

Ha en go dag 🙂

Where are you in the world?

&AlltMöjligt Posted on Tue, January 28, 2014 10:11:16

To ponder over for a moment or two –
When you think of all of us – Who do you include in “All of us”?

Did you exclude or include plants, fish, insects, birds, animals etc in your thought?

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